Crazy Cups Chocolate Bomb Kit

Crazy Cups Chocolate Bomb Kit

Posted by Crazy Cups on December 1, 2021

Don’t get us wrong: With most holiday beverages, it’s the subtle touches that often make seasonal sipping special.

Creamy eggnog with just a hint of nutmeg. Apple cider with just a hint of cinnamon. Cranberry spritzer with just a hint of basil. Everything in its right proportion, nothing too overbearing or overwhelming.

Except for chocolate.


The minute chocolate is introduced into the equation; there should be no limits. All bets are off. No subtlety, no restrictions, no questions.

Either you go all-in on the chocolate proposition, or you graciously get out of the way. You can’t have hints of chocolate. Whoever heard of something with just a hint of chocolate? (Maybe wine tasters, but that’s another website.)

What food is associated with excess more than the sweet brown paste of the cacao pod? Furthermore, with what food besides chocolate is so readily forgiven? “I can’t believe I finished that entire chocolate Easter bunny!”

“There, there,” we say, patting their hand, “It’s okay. It was chocolate. What would anyone expect?”

Look, we’re not completely crazy here at Crazy Cups. We understand that when it comes to all things chocolate, indulgence is the goal. That’s why we sell our hot chocolate mixes under the “Total Indulgence” banner. We thought, at first, that name would readily convey the sweeping comfort that a cup of our insanely rich cocoa instantly provides.

But then, after one of those silent gaps in group conversation when immodest ideas take root, one of us said, “Have we really gone as far as we can with this chocolate thing?”

We all looked at each other in halted stares. Our mouths dropped guiltily open as we all stumbled upon the same, stark realization: No, we haven’t really gone as far as we can with this chocolate thing.

Total Indulgence cocoa may have been a masterstroke. But we realized chocolate is something to be experienced in eruptive form. It should be enjoyed as explosively as possible.

A bomb, if you will...and we did.

The Ultimate DIY Chocolate Experience

The Crazy Cups Chocolate Bomb kit — available for a limited time — gives you something more than hints of chocolate. It's a full-on chocolate barrage. It turns our already delicious Deep Indulgence cocoa into all-out bliss. It turns ordinary steamed milk into an all-encompassing, inescapable chocolate bombardment.

What puts the Chocolate Bomb kit over the top is that you, the everyday chocolate lover, put together these bombs yourself. Sure, we could have cut corners and made a mass-produced bomb, fast-frozen it, and sent it to your home in a beat-up cardboard box. But we didn’t think that would beat the thrill of making your own chocolate bombs fresh from your kitchen. And it sure wouldn’t beat the taste.

At Crazy Cup, we believe if you just roll up your sleeves with your trusty microwave and refrigerator, you can create homemade chocolate eruptions that your family will love (and refuse to apologize for).

What’s In the Kit

The Chocolate Bomb kit includes these powerful but utterly irresistible ingredients:

  • Four packets of Total Indulgence milk hot chocolate
  • Chocolate melting chunks
  • Marshmallows
  • Sprinkles
  • Rainbow swirl silicone molds (not exactly “ingredients,” but they are very handy “tools”)

Every kit has enough raw materials to make six hot chocolate bombs. With the proper equipment, right timing, and just an agreeable amount of patience, you’ll turn out a chocolate treat that hits you over the head — in the nicest way possible, of course.

Easy-to-Follow Instructions

Maybe you’ve tried to make chocolate bombs in the past and had to deal with massive cookware, rusty candy thermometers, inefficient shaping tools, and interrupting friends or family who just wanted a clear route to the fridge. You won’t face these kinds of intrusions with our Chocolate Bomb kits.

The process is simple:


Put 10 ounces of the melting chocolate into the microwave on high, stir, and repeat until the chocolate is smooth.


Use the included molds and the back of a spoon to paint the melted chocolate in layers. Put them in a refrigerator to set.


Take the set of 12 molds out of the fridge and shape each one slowly and carefully until they resemble bombs.


Fill half of the shells with Total Indulgence cocoa powder and supporting flavors. We include marshmallows and sprinkles in the kit — but in the name of indulgence, feel free to grab anything else in your pantry that might work (Coconut flakes? Hazelnuts? Go for it!).


Put the unfilled six shells on a hot microwaved plate to melt. Then match each one to a filled shell and hold the two halves together for 10 seconds.


Let your imagination run rampant. Dark or pink chocolate streaks? More sprinkles? Dustings of cinnamon or chili powder? We won’t judge.

Bombs Away

Finally, put your bomb in your favorite heat-proof mug, add steaming hot milk, stir, and drink.

You, dear reader, have just been sideswiped by a Chocolate Bomb — and you’re all the better for it.

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