German Eiskaffee With a French Vanilla Twist

German Eiskaffee With a French Vanilla Twist

Posted by Crazy Cups on July 27, 2021

Imagine waking up to a taste of the European countryside right in your morning cup of coffee. Now, what if we told you that cup could also have a couple of scoops of fresh vanilla ice cream in it?

You’re probably asking yourself: “countryside, coffee, ice cream?” How could such a perfect dream like that come to life? So many flavors that send our minds racing with memories of so many of our favorite moments. Immediately we’re taken away to a summer vacation in Europe with the family where we stop off in a small cafe for a refreshment, or even just summers past right here at home with an ice-cold glass on the back porch with a good friend.

To us, those moments are what life’s all about. We think those moments have a flavor, and it’s our job to find it. What’s your job, you might ask? Well, it’s your job to enjoy it! And quite frankly, you better get to work because all this flavor isn’t gonna enjoy itself.

Inspiration From Across the World

These same memories are what inspired us in the first place to go and bang on the office doors of the geniuses at the Flavor Nation to get them to invent something to help us beat this summer heat. As usual, that’s all they needed to hear to get their gears turning, their hands working and their mouths… sipping. It wasn’t long after that we were welcoming to the family our newest flavor creation: the German Eiskafee With a French Vanilla Twist!

Combining the unbeatable, sweet, and warm sensations of french vanilla coffee with the always appetizing ice cream mixture that is the German Eiskafee, it’s hard to imagine how this beverage could be any more perfect. It’s coffee, it’s a dessert, it’s a first class ticket to Berlin before taking a train over to Lyon all from the comfort of your kitchen.

Even better is that you can have a thousand of these bad boys for the price of some of those, and it all comes with a cup of coffee. And did we mention it also comes with vanilla ice cream?

That’s right, a ticket around the world right in your morning joe. Would you believe us if we told you that we’re not done yet? Despite the sweeter appeal of this decadent delight, we know that sometimes you don’t need all that heavy fat and sugar to enjoy a pleasure like this. That’s why for this one we’re breaking down a regular option and a skinny one too for those looking to watch those calories a little.

Now we’re talking: a world-class cup of coffee, a few scoops of splendid vanilla ice cream, all without any extra junk.

Ice Cream AND Coffee? 

Fixing a drink like this is even quicker than booking a ticket, too! Start by brewing your zero-calorie Crazy Cups French Vanilla Twist Flavored Coffee in your Keurig K Cup brewer on the 4 oz setting over a brew mug. While your coffee is brewing, prepare another glass or mug with two scoops of vanilla ice cream (fat-free if you’re opting for that lighter option).

When the coffee is ready, simply pour it right on top of your ice cream immediately. Quickly top it off with some fresh whipped cream and chocolate syrup (again low-cal wherever available). All that’s left now is to shake a few fun sprinkles on top and hurry up and enjoy! You’ll want to devour this one while the ice cream is still chilly and the coffee is still fresh.

Now don’t worry if you’re looking to enjoy this indulgence later in the evening or as a skinny dessert, there are options. Give any one of our many Crazy Cups Decaf Flavored Coffees a try today. Trust us, they all taste just as good when drenched over some cold vanilla ice cream. You can even mix up your toppings! This one’s just as good with a dusting of cinnamon or a caramel drizzle, and anything else your mind can dream up.

No matter whether you’re enjoying this delicacy somewhere in the hills of France or in a dining chair inside your very own kitchen, we’re confident that this drink will be your new summer go-to for years to come. Plus with the healthier alternative up your sleeve, there’s no reason why you can’t be enjoying a treat like this anytime you please. Now don’t ever tell us we didn’t take you anywhere. We’re bringing the world to you, and to your cup!

Now It's Your Turn

Be sure to follow us on Instagram after you make it and let us know what you thought. Share your German Eiskaffee with a French Vanilla Twist with us by tagging us in your post. We are looking forward to seeing where the world of flavor takes you, and we’ll be right there to join you on that journey.

Be sure to stay tuned to our social media too for more tips and tricks on freshening up your coffee game! Our obsession with flavor has us constantly putting out fresh arrivals, both familiar and unexpected, to blow your morning away with. The geniuses at the Flavor Nation never stop brewing, so be on the lookout for other new and exciting recipes to try in your very own kitchen soon.

Stay up to date with all things Crazy Cups by following our social platforms Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.

German Eiskaffee With a French Vanilla Twist


  • 4 oz Crazy Cups zero-calorie French Vanilla Twist flavored coffee
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Whipped cream
  • Chocolate syrup
  • Sprinkles


Brew Crazy Cups zero-calorie French Vanilla Twist flavored coffee in your Keurig K Cup brewer on the 4 oz setting.

In another cup, grab two scoops of vanilla ice cream.

Pour the coffee over the ice cream

Top with whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles.


Skinny German Eiskaffee With a French Vanilla Twist


  • 4 oz Crazy Cups zero-calorie French Vanilla Twist flavored coffee
  • Fat-free vanilla ice cream
  • Sugar free Whipped cream
  • Sugar free Chocolate syrup
  • Sprinkles (optional)


Brew Crazy Cups zero-calorie French Vanilla Twist flavored coffee in your Keurig K Cup brewer on the 4 oz setting.

In another cup, grab two scoops of fat-free vanilla ice cream.

Pour the coffee over the ice cream.

Top with sugar free whipped cream, sugar free chocolate syrup, and sprinkles.
