It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Posted by Crazy Cups on April 21, 2021

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to taste your entire childhood in a single glass of morning joe? You might want to brace yourself because you’re about to find out.

While our obsession with flavor has taken us to greater and greater heights than we could have possibly imagined, we had never considered the idea that we could take it too far. Well, that is, until today. We’re about to announce a groundbreaking discovery that will change the face of coffee and flavor forever.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Flavored Coffee

It all began when we were reminiscing with the geniuses at the Flavor Nation over some of our favorite memories of growing up. The carefree, unflappable spirit of being a kid that inspired you every day. The games you would play for hours with your friends, the excitement of learning new things all the time, and of course, the nostalgic flavors of our favorite snacks. Come on; you know, all of our nostalgia revolves around snacks.

What happened next, we never could have expected. This conversation inspired them to dream up an exciting new coffee recipe for you to try in your very own kitchen. Introducing: Peanut Butter Jelly Time! It’s exactly as perfect as it sounds. It’s a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... inside your cup of coffee.

All of that creamy nuttiness you expect from a smooth spread of peanut butter plus all of that bright, tangy sweetness from fresh grape jelly packed between two fluffy slices of bread. Now add those together with the bold punch of your morning coffee, and you’ve got a potion beyond your wildest dreams.

Prepare to feel all of your early days rushing back to you at once as you take your first sip of this impossibly delicious beverage. You’ll feel as if you’ve stepped into a time machine and watch as your body reverses decades in age right before your eyes. Suddenly you’re walking on the playground towards your lunch table. You throw your stuffed lunch sack in front of you and see all of your best friends sitting around going through their own boxes and bags. You peer in yours and see that little plastic wrapper stuffed tight with two soft, white clouds that have streams of purple and brown pushing out of the sides.

Yeah, life is pretty good.

It It Too Good to Be True?

We know what you’re wondering. How is this even possible? Have we broken science? Have we gone too far? How can all of that incredible taste get inside your daily coffee? As far-fetched as it may seem, it’s not too good to be true. This cup of java tastes every bit like that sacred delicacy of your youth.

It’s got all the great flavor of both a bold cup of coffee and a fresh PB&J, plus all the caffeine your body needs, minus all of the calories of actually eating a real sandwich. Do you think we could survive on just having one of these for every meal? It’s probably best if we don’t find out.

Slow down, don’t go calling the science police on us; we can explain. We simply used our powerful magic machines to extract the pure essence of a perfect peanut butter and jelly and then infused our fresh roasted coffee with that magical extract. It’s really that simple. There may have also been many failed experiments involving a blender as well that we highly recommend you don’t try at home. Just trust us on that one.

Fortunately enough, this scientific breakthrough is even easier to make than fixing up an actual PB&J. Begin by filling a 12-ounce brew cup with ice. Next, you’ll want to brew your Crazy Cups Peanut Butter and Jelly Flavored Coffee directly over the ice. After that, add in your peanut butter and grape-flavored syrups before pouring in your preferred creamer and stirring to combine.

If you really want to go crazy with it, top it off with some fresh whipped cream and a dusting of peanut butter powder for flavor and aesthetics. You could even hit it with a little dollop of fresh jelly right in the middle to achieve the pinnacle of flavor nostalgia (or maybe we really are going too far, you tell us!)

It’s entirely possible that we have made both breakfast, coffee, and PB&J history simultaneously with this invention. It’s perfect for taking on the go, bringing with you to lunch, or just downing right there in the kitchen because you couldn’t possibly wait another moment to give it a taste. Either way, you may never need a real peanut butter and jelly sandwich again with this recipe in your back pocket.

Don't Get Left Behind

Once you’ve given this innovative breakfast invention a try, join us over on Instagram to let us know what you think and share a pic of your liquid PB&J! We’d love to know how it went and what other new ways you’re finding to bring more flavor to your morning with our Crazy Cups.

Be sure to stay tuned to our social media, too, for more tips and tricks on freshening up your coffee game! Our obsession with flavor has us constantly putting out fresh arrivals, both familiar and unexpected, to blow your morning away with. The geniuses at the Flavor Nation never stop brewing, so be on the lookout for other new and exciting recipes to try in your very own kitchen soon.

It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time!



Fill a 12 oz cup with ice (to the top).

Begin by brewing 4 oz of Peanut Butter and Jelly Flavored Coffee by Crazy Cups coffee over ice.

Add in your peanut butter and grape syrups.

Mix in your milk of choice and stir to combine.

Top with whipped cream and peanut butter powder.
